Supporter survey - Ulumbarra Foundation
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Ulumbarra Foundation Supporter Survey

Dear Valued Supporter,

At the Ulumbarra Foundation, we are constantly striving to improve our impact, and we recognise that your support is the cornerstone of our success. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we encourage you to participate in our short Supporter Survey (below).

Your participation is invaluable. It provides us with crucial feedback on your experiences with our charity, including your satisfaction with our programs, communication, and overall engagement. Your insights will help us to understand what we are doing well and where we can better meet your needs and expectations.

Please be reassured, the data gathered from this survey is strictly confidential and used solely for the purposes of improving our work. Your input will directly inform our strategic plan, and allow us to make data-driven decisions about resource allocation and program development. We want to maximise our impact in the areas that matter most to you.

We understand that your time is valuable, and we sincerely appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts and opinions with us.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our cause. Together, we can make a real and lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.

Warm regards,






Carolyn Stanford,


Ulumbarra Foundation


Ulumbarra Foundation supporter survey

Please take a few minutes to tell us what you think.

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What is your name? (Sharing your name will help us meet your needs, but leave this answer blank if you prefer to remain anonymous)

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What is the primary reason you give to our programs?

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How much of an impact do you feel your gift has?

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If you believe your gift made no difference, please elaborate so we can do better

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What other causes do you support (you can choose multiple causes)?  Select your causes and click the NEXT button below.

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Do you think the current mix of our programs (below) is about right?

  • mentoring young talent
  • support regional performing arts projects
  • broaden community access to performing arts events
  • capital grants to enhance the venue and audience experience

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If no, please tell us how you think we should change the focus of our programs?

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Thinking about our emails, newsletter, website, social media etc – do we communicate:

9 / 17

Do you find our newsletter:

10 / 17

If our newsletter is of little interest, what could we cover that would interest you more?

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How do you prefer to be contacted?

12 / 17

Would you prefer to:

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If you have no plans to donate, what can we do better?

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Planning is critical to the Foundation’s effectiveness. Are you in a position to consider making a sizeable gift (of say, $5,000 or more) within the next 12 months.

15 / 17

Thinking about your Will. Please indicate:

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Please indicate your age range:

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Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
